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Berkshire Brevet Requirements & Details

Plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before the start time for check-in, briefing, and equipment check.

Lighting requirents for 300K, 400K and 600K events: 

  • Required lighting includes a white front headlight, continuous beam, visible for 1000 ft. and capable of lighting your way in a heavy rain.
  • Continuous ( non-blinking ) rear red light visible for at least 300 ft.
  • Spare batteries and bulbs.
  • Reflective vest, sash, or Sam Brown belt.
  • Reflective ankle bands, both feet 
  • Additional lighting is recommended including multiple rear lights, reflective vests, triangles, etc.
  • On brevets requiring lighting you must keep your lights with you for the entire ride.
  • Lights must be on from sunset to sunrise and during limited visibility conditions.
  • On brevets where lighting is optional you must have lights if you will finish after sunset. Riding without lights after sunset without lights will result in disqaulification.


All brevets will take place regardless of the weather. Participants are responsible for carrying adequate clothing to accommodate changing weather conditions. March and April brevets may experience snow squalls. May and early June brevets can expect low temperatures in the upper 40's with highs in the 70's, however, it is not unusual for a morning frost or highs near 100 at this time of year. Come prepared!


Controls will be located at convenience stores where snacks are available. The 600K includes a full meal and breakfast at the sleep point (approx 250 miles). Additional supported may be added day of the ride depending on volunteer staff.

Support vehicles:

Follow vehicles are not allowed. Personal support vehicles are not encouraged, but if used may only assist riders at designated checkpoints.

Drop Bags:

Riders will be allowed to send a bag ahead on the 600K brevet. Space is at a premium, so please keep your bag as small as possible. No coolers or spare wheels.

Broom Wagon:

Although our support staff will respond to emergencies, you should not plan on being picked up by our vehicles. If you are unable to complete the distance or doubt your ability, don't start. Be prepared to handle mechanicl problems on your own. As a brevet rider you are considered to be on an individual tour, ther is no SAG. We have never left a rider behind but depending on brevet length it could be several hours before a vehicle can respond to a call.


As our attendance has grown we recommend parking in the municipal lot 1 block from the start, entrance is next to Brake King. Parking is available at the rear of the Family Dollarl lot next to New Horizons for about 2 dozen cars. Please do not park at the front of the lot or in front of Family Dollar. Please leave the first 8 spaces along New Horizons open for bike shop customers.

 Start Facilities:Toilet and changing facilities are available at New Horizons. This is an urban location and urinating behind the car door or in the shrubs will not be tolerated.


In Westfield, Elm Motel, 50 Russell Rd. ( 1/2 mile from start ) 413-562-9727. Country Court Motel, 480 Southampton Rd. ( 3 miles from start ) 413-562-9790. EconoLodge, 2 Southampton Rd. ( 2 miles from the start ) 413-568-2821. Additional motels, Best Western, Days Inn, Super 8, Red Roof, etc. on Riverdale Rd. West Springfield ( 7 miles from the start ).

PBP Qualification:

The next PBP is in August 2027. To qualify you must complete a series of brevets - 200 km, 300 km, 400 km, and 600 km in sequence. The brevets do not have to be in the same series ( you could ride some in the Berkshires, the remainder in New York or Boston ) but they must be in the correct order. ( You can ride extra brevets out of order if you choose). To gain experience please consider riding a 1200K.

You must be a current RUSA member at the start of your brevet series if you intend to enter PBP

Randonneurs USA:

RUSA membeership is required for all RUSA EVENTS.   For more information on RUSA and randonneuring in the USA click here

Directions to the Start:

Mass. Pike ( I-90 ) to exit 3. Right off exit, Rte. 202 / 10 south to downtown Westfield ( 2 miles ). Right on Rte. 20 west 1/4 mile, New Horizons Sports on the right. Click here for a map view.

Additional Information:

Contact Don Podolski, Regional Brevet Administrator, 413-562-5237